Item Database > Equipment > Ivory Knife [2]

Ivory Knife [2]


Atk + 180
Luk +4
Dex +4
the basic trigger probability of [Strip Accessory] and [Strip Shield] +3%
Level 0
Max Stack 1
Sellable Yes
Sell Price 1,800
Auctionable Yes
Storageable Yes


I Atk +38, Luk +1
10 × 40 × 1 × 450 × 35,000 ×
II Atk +42, Luk +3
15 × 50 × 2 × 500 × 35,000 ×
III Atk +48, Dex +1
25 × 70 × 2 × 690 × 35,000 ×
End Atk +52, Dex +3; for Refining +8, basic trigger probability of [Strip Accessory] and [Strip Shield] +3%
20 × 75 × 3 × 700 × 35,000 ×

Exchange Price

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